Trying out the dress Azie??
Its been months that we've see each other. I'm happy to tell you that I'm very blessed to have another family here in UM. School work can be very depressing but its good that in the end of the day there is always some one to turn to and to laugh away the stress. There are some familiar faces in @ UM like Kit. However learning in USM was proven the best time so far in @.
Now that i'm in YV, I feel that I contribute more to society. Further more working with underprivilage kids have another personal meaning that shared a darker part of my past that not many know of. It brings great joy to be with these kids and that I would love to share my experience with you
Working on the notice board...Chia Yinn looks very glitterish....
The shelter that we have permanant interns working is the Agathians. The interns appeared in the Malay Mail a few days ago. Its a good way to promote our program and that my job in the ER department would have something to talk about while raising other shelters. There is more room for love that we can share with other Kids alike. One of the interns Yassmeen, from Egypt is so musically incline that she tries to learn a new instrument a year. She has two guitars, two violins, a saxophone, an accordian to name a few. Its very interesting to hear other @-ers that share the same passion as I am.
The shelter that we held our activities are at Assunta Children Society. Its basically a missionarry school where the underprivilaged children come to learn. They do not stay there, and they do have families. They are mostly from what I've heard are children refugees where some of them come from Myanmar and also Indonesia. They are the sweetest kids. I wish you could meet them.
Yesterday, at the shelter, we kick start the day with some square dancing. The kids and one of the nuns were dancing with us. Though many of us were fasting and jumping to "cotton eyed joe" none of us didn't really care. It was a blast having fun with the kids.
tired after dancing....
After the dance we had a Hari Raya presentation. We talked about, why we fast, what do do on Raya and so forth. After the presentation, there is a quiz where the kids get duit raya packets filled with sweets. We had also served Kueh Raya.
Happy LCP....
Happy angpow or should i say cing pow recievers....
After the presentation, we made Raya cards. It was a fun project that I find the little kids took more time then I've expected, but its ok. All the fun was in the process. I even made one for you...hehehe, for all of you who read this blog I suppose. I'm not creative but one of my group mates Helen made a lovely card that she dedicated to me and another girls, Azie and Niza. All of us were touched.
After the raya card making, I couldn't resist the smell of cakes from the kitchen. The kids make fruit cakes for sale. I was about to purchaise one till i found a bottle of brandy on the kitchen counter. Yes there is some brandy in the cakes....*sigh*...if I didn't asked I probably buy and get high on fruitcake and never know whats inside it....too bad but never mind....;)
More cakes....
More want sooo bad...the smell was nice....
Joline sent me to the train station where i went back home. I really enjoyed the time spent with the kids and that I'm looking forward on the next time we'll be going there. BTW, mummy....I've been demoted back to JE...*sobs* i'm stuck in TR stage for too long you know, I hope that I can go up soon. Lastly please pray that I don't get stuck for my masters, I do wanna finish in 2 years. Hope you do well in your one and only paper!!! get an A then you can enjoy deans list...hehe...
My love, hugs and kisses,
Your Anak,