The day had come for my friends to be officially out of usm (for those who are not doing masters of course) and I did plan to crash the hall again since we have been in the hall for two times before so I thought that the authorities wouldn't mind....hehe. I hope. So dressed properly I went in the hall supposed to camouflage with the rest of the performers but
tak jadi. Anyhow this session is for the Pharmacy, Social Sciences, Fine Arts and Music.
When I came in the seats were filling in. The last row just two lines after the performers stage is the music students. They just occupied that row. How nice, anyway. As the seats started to fill, the announcer started to explain the procedures of the ceremony. For the three years in a row my observation was when the guy starts speaking in mandarin, it excites all the audience. Minus us perhaps. Anyway, the alert signal was sounded and the jazz band starts to play the grand march.
Ceremony went well. Boring as usual, but a good way to hear the jazz band play for free, and a good chance for students to do their work in between. Last time when we had Mr. Razif class, we did his work and he could mark it right a way. Convenient huh? Well that was the old days. Now its our future graduates turn.
In the end our music students received a roaring cheer from the jazz band and walk down the stage. After that we all went to school and picture taking time. Plus I had to run back to get Becky's cow that she left with me.

To all my course mates, hope that you guys be successful in the future. I'll miss all the good things that we've done together and go on into the world and make an impact on society. Hope that you will learn to adept to the new environment and get rich soon so that you could throw a party for me on my graduation....hehe. This is for you guys.
To Suhan, you might not grow any taller but in performance you have the tendency to leap further to improve yourself. Your small fingers shows that size does not matter and we'll adapt to all circumstance that might come our way. You are very certain and assertive, the powerful quality of Miss Suhan. You go get em' gal!
Jie Ru, Jie Jie, you are so expressive and everybody likes to hear when you tell a story because its sooo convincing. This great trait of you might pay off one day when you go for an interview so that all the people interviewing will be convinced that you got what it takes to be successful. I'll see you around and to learn from your experience.
Amy, da jie, since I don't have a sister to ask for advice, you are my big sister that is concern of my Chinese language and tutor me from time to time. You show that failure is not an excuse to go further, opportunities come and its your call to grab it or leave it. I hope you find peace and laughter in your future life.
To my fashion guru Yuen Mun, you are good in improvising on what you have and do not complain much out in the open. I shall be looking forward to see you improve your "softer skills". More Mozart-ish, less Beethoven-ish. I hope to learn from each other since I lack Beethoven-ish playing. Together we'll see who will make it to the top first. Chayo beauty queen!
To Yan Xuan, you are unique and rocks on the drums. Sexy and mysterious. Hehe. Thanks for all your help in times of need. Miss you so much.
To the Dude Pin Xuan jazzin' in da house, you are the star of all that jazz. Hope you make a good teacher and try new genres too. I hope you'll perform again so I can go see you play again. Free tickets ok for me. I also hope you'll write music and be famous one day. Keep in touch!
Sweet "Spring moon" Choon Yet, the thinnest of our batch. You prove that you are more than just a pretty face. You rock in theory when others have a hard time. Make sure you stay "healthy" like me...hehe, a bit too "healthy". I wish that you make a good teacher and make the best of it.

To Huey Lin the weight looser, will be bumping into you for quite sometime since you are still here doing masters (and because I didn't take my Tupperware yet) you are so bright then all of us in terms exams and writing. Need to learn your study tips and to learn how to keep fit too hehe. Hope you get what you want in life.

Amira the clubbing queen, you are outgoing, adventures are your forte, you dare to accept a challenge and very honest to me. I do appreciate that your help when times get tough. I sure hope that you make the most of your masters now. Gambate!

Ee Kim, my second sister, since you make the most of my terrible Chinese and never laugh when I make mistakes I then have more courage to speak. I respect you for this and your independence shows that you are most likely to succeed no matter what comes your way.

Cwee Yin, my dear. The quiet one in the group, I do hope you make it in the world and show us that you can be successful. *Woot*

Sharil, the senior. Since you are teaching a bunch of jumpin' beans of kids now you'd better learn to control all of your students or else they will be all over you. Hehe. Imagine that!! Always keep in touch ok? So dude, you left the pop star yang entah kemana now. Which still owe me 20 bucks for keyboard class book.

My dear roomie Rebecca the rabbit jumpin' here and there scouting for the best in herself I wish you luck. Thanks for letting me move in so that I could use the clavinova that has taken all the space in between our beds. You taught me that getting good sleep is essential for good health and beauty. So more the better. Hehehe.

To the saint in the class Jo, you show that silence is golden. You work hard and all that work pays off in your exams. I'll miss you but we'll keep in touch since I might need some help to get things in Singapore perhaps. We'll see. Well, since you are working there I sure think that you'll get richer than the rest here at the mean time. Hehe, don't forget to belanja me next time...hehe. Just Kidding.

Lastly, Annie from Ipoh, although I'll be seeing you a lot. I hope that in your masters study you find what good things that you take for granted during your undergraduate days. That way you'll appreciate more on what you have. Good luck in your studies.
To all of my acting friends, although you all might not be actors on stage, you sure made a change on how I look on theater people now. For how much annoying people say that music is easy, theater people might feel the same way. Arts is definitely abstract and like a director said that, there is no right or wrong there is only good or bad that is which too is in the eyes and ears of the audience. So, I believe that you guys are really amazing people that i met and truly grateful that we have been together for the past three years.
Ini budak yang masuk muzik keluar jadi pelakon
Kak Ayu, talking to fiance?

Michelle and Me,

Prisca with the suave Dr. Hardy,

Kak Mil and Sofia, see, you graduate and thinking of doing masters. Last time sofia was telling me that she wanted to quit when she found out that she got into acting.

who is going to get married soon, this guy is the person to call to. The dude is a wedding planner.

Vern Jin, great to hear that you got a job teaching performing arts in school. Hope you'll be successful.
To the rest of my BA and BFA friends from various backgrounds, I hope for the best and that you do well in what you do. I sooo will miss you guys

First year roommate, Zhaf and Mr Goh

My translator and designer As, already working as a designer for a company. So proud of you.
So to all I wish the best while I crap my way out of here till the end of the year. May all good things come around and See you guys soon!

I sooo love this picture, look at yuen mun's and jo's face... like freaking out. hehehe...
To all I apologize that I have been away for so long, due to this bad cough and flu, been hanging on to the bottle feeling that I might just drink the whole bottle to kill the cough. Its making my sleep not continuous and to add to the the misery is my monthly thingy so I might build a tent in my room since both of us are in different sick stages. Need to be quarantined. Still more to come. *Cough3*
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