The next day we went to batu feringgi to chill out near the beach. I soo miss the beach. It’s a nice way to cool off after the whole month of searching on what to wear during my convo. It was terrible my god, it was like ransacking the whole Shah Alam, Jalan TAR, Subang Parade and Alor Setar. It was ridiculous. Everything I tried out was either too expensive, have fitting problems, the material was too thin, looks too cheep, in conclusion, It was juz not up to the standard of my mum. I did not know that a simple chiffon baju kurung would cost RM500!!! That’s absurd. It doesn’t have any beads or studs at all. Songket baju with scarf could cost up to RM1000. I wanna die during hunting for what to wear. In the end I told my dad that I was going to wear a shirt and coat. RM50 I can get a nice brown coat that fit perfectly and that I can reuse it during my interviews and stuff.
Yaya enjoying the waves crashing at her feet
Something I wanted to do but...not dressed to go up, time la
Me and my wet pants
At batu feringgi, I bought myself a nice pair of blue slippers and few DVD’s. My mum doesn’t like browsing and that she said to walk up first then come back to buy. However when I came back the shop had packed up and left…sigh, I really wanted to browse on the DVD’s, you never know what you’ll find. *regrets* Before that, in the evening me and my parents and Yaya, went to have dinner at the coffee house while watching the sunset after a nice walk along the beach. Yes I wet my pants…It would look weird if I were to wear my scarf and wear shorts…mum will disown me…
On the 24th I went for the rehearsal. It was telling all the dos and don’ts for the occasion. What not to wear, what should you say when you received your scroll and stuff. They told us to come as early as 7.30am the next day and be at the halls for inspection. Then, each graduate will receive a bar code to make sure that you name appears on the screen when you walk on the stage. So on the day itself, I came about 7.45am. I was getting ready, my mum was helping me pin up my sash to the robe, putting up my hat and pinning down so it doesn’t fall. It was chaotic but in a fun way, this is the time when my mum gets really grumpy and talks in a very “you know” way. Parents you may say…haha. So, pin here, pin there, borrowing pins from here, someone asking some other place and stuff…it was interesting.
the people exited for the next me..heehee
Then I marched in the hall after attire inspection. I was seated at the last seat. Scary, but anticipated…and so we waited, and waited, and soon the hall begins to fill up. The alarm went off and soon the important people came marching in. I was beginning to feel nervous till the lecturers came out…haha, I saw Dr Linda, Dr. Marlina, Andrew Mr. Mickey Mouse bow tie, hehe, and last but not least Dr. Tye. Then, the awards starts…the Honorary doctorate was given to the Cuban doctor, the same one that talked yesterday during the official launching of the world TB day exhibition at arts school.
When it came to our turn to receive our scrolls, they actually called upon many students from the arts so it was quite long and not confined to arts school only. So there were the BFA students, some literature and many more been called together to receive our scrolls. Unlike the normal way, where they call upon the students according to course and not merging with other courses.
Me receiving my scroll by the Sultan of Perlis....he recently had a knee operation so he had to come with crutches...I pray that the knee heals quickly.
Then when its all done, I went to say hi to my dearie music friends. They to leave soon, so, I didn’t have time to chat with them. I then went out to look for my mum. No sign of mum so, I saw dad coming down the VIP room and frantically waving my hands to him. When I saw mum she was with a bouquet of flowers…heehee, I thought I would not get flowers. (the reason is because I don’t have a boyfriend…didn’t expect flowers from mum..XD) I was really happy..and now camera please!!!! Pictures babeh…yeah haha.
Jess loi, me, Kris and the flowers kris???
me and my cousin and her mum can cook the best gulai ikan, curry, and all the goood kampung food...nyum-nyum...
Me and erin
Me and erin and erin's friend from translation...haha... I like the pink sash...
Btw, my sash is dark blue....and all music students will use the dark blue for undergraduates
The view from my balcony...sometimes you can even see the canselori building
Inside the house
I can hear the light speeking to me....heehee lame
Do I look like an owl??? Or juz stoopid...haha...this happens when tak cukup take pictures and later need to send back the robe to get the scroll
what are you looking at??!!! haha...this is beginning to look embarrassing....XD
And so the day ended and that the next day I had to return my robe to get my “real” scroll at DUP along with the hall pictures. Most students went to studios to take the book case photos. Dad just kept reminding me that “you’ll do that during your masters…” true though…not a big deal anyway…the important one is the receiving pictures rite?? Sigh, time was short in penang. I would love to spend time with all of youuuu in Penang. I sooo need live music, and good friends, perhaps some lame jokes but then it’ll have to wait…I hope not that long.
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