Sunday, August 31, 2008

What Rainforest?

There is a topic debating on sarawak's rainforest....apparently there are facing out. Please take time to read this site by our talented dancer, actor, activist u-jean. VERY IMPORTANT

Hope you guys will know whats going on in Sarawak and ways we can make a difference.

Reflections of Hiroshima

After the long convo week, well not that long anyway. The fact that there were no classes conducted during the week because theater can't be conducted due to our venue were taken for the convo purposes and my Makro lecturer has to attend the convo and could not teach so that much says no class for the week. Weeee. Not much enjoyment, assignments and reviews to do made my week fly fast that you could not realize it.

So at the end of the week on a Sunday where everybody else were evacuating the campus to enjoy the holiday and study for mid terms, some theater students were given the task to watch a theater on the true life of the Dato' Razak our VC's dad. The theater was scheduled at 8.15 on the posters and banners but everybody knows that in Malaysia that doesn't happen. It eventually started at 9.05pm so I was cursing the night because this is an assignment that is for my theater class, If not by 8.30pm I would run to the door and leave. You never let your audience wait and not be given the notice that it will start late. It took a lot to pull out all my patients that night. So by 8.50 there was an announcement that the TYT is coming and that it might start a bit late.

So waiting at my seating place bout the third last row mid section I waited and then when the TYT arrived, the announcement came. The TYT was scheduled to give a speach, the trouble of lack of planning went. So embarrasing, the TYT was on stage and the crew didn't prepare another platform for him to speak. So there he was waiting for all the adjustments to be done. His speach didn't last as long as the wait for him on stage though.

The major planning problem

So the play started to begin and it was a good and funny way to start the evening because I was cursing before that, and luckily that kinda made it worth the wait. I was very happy to see our lecturer Dr. Sam performing. I had never seen him perform on stage before. Well, I did catch him on the early episodes of Mahligai Gading but his scenes didn't last long so I thought that this was a good opportunity for me to catch the talented Dr. Sam in action.

Dr Samad in Action...very funny...hehe

The village people that heard about the japanese occupation in Kelantan

The character Razak was played by En Norhelmi, one of the Dewan Budaya Artiste. His role was more narrated and there were a lot of soliloquy's that he was talking on his own. These seem a bit dragging at some points but I think It was too much to been acted out and that there were a lot more scenes that should be brought out more. Ratna Played the mother and that she too played as like a shadow or a reflection and some parts she talked alone. It was interesting to watch my friends on stage again too.

The Solemn Hiroshima Scene

Razak talking to himself, wondering and reflecting of his past

Razak's mother worried about him leaving to Japan but eventually agrees to let him study there. Ratna as Razak's mother

Razak getting brother's advice

Another funny soldiers scene....the guy cant actually ride the bike so the others need to push the bike.....hehe

The part when he went to Hiroshima to learn was a great scenery and the lighting made the mood of the place more sad and emotional for me. Watching a lot of people suffering during the bombing, students being trapped in caves, well I think it was a cave since there were parts where they were speaking Japanese and I couldn't understand. The part where pangeran wanted to save sensei was too emotional and I would feel the same way If I had to leave some one behind that I cared so much. So as Razak and two of his friends who were still alive went on a train to Tokyo and on the way one of his friends Syed Omar had to stop at Kyoto because he had showed signs of radiation.

Syed Omar seeking treatment in Kyoto by the doctor who donated his blood to save him

An article that shows the downside of radiation due to the bomb. Innocent children suffered badly and many died horribly due to the radiation

This too for me was a sad moment and then, the doctors tried to save him and one doctor donated his own blood to save Syed omar but it was fated that Syed omar didn't make it long enough to see his home land. Those who made it to Tokyo heard about Nagasaki and were all deported back to Malaya. The actual theater ends here but I heard that when he arrived in KL his mother thought he was dead and his mother was really broke in to tears that his son actually survived the devastating bomb that hit his university and mentally affecting Razak.

The bombing

The interesting part of the theater is the fact that the theater incorporates the usage of space in the auditorium. Before the Razak went to Japan, he was thinking what Japan would be like and he automatically imagined the samurai worriers and the sumo wrestlers. So in the Dewan Budaya auditorium there was two places above the stages where they placed speakers and there was the place where the sumo guy went up and the sexy Sylvester the samurai too was acting. Goodness, luckily he wore bicycle shorts underneath. Too bad for me that I didn't get a picture of him on the stage. I was able to get the sumo guy though. Hehehehehe.....

This guy was flashing on stage.....made us laugh like hell

Sumo Guy.....Wished I had Sylvester's picture...haiz..

The director and writer of the play Senibayan had used multimedia shots of the war and that the bomb pictures were also shown on the celling to show that the bomb was flying above the skies in Hiroshima. I did enjoyed the theater and really liked the way the theater was put together. By the way the end there was a dove where Razak let it flew through the hall. We all wondered how the bird went out in the end. I honestly liked the theater, minus the wait before that.

The japanese actors who died on stage

The classes conducted and while it was on sirens were warning to go for shelter. Sometimes false alarms.

The play is in conjunction with independence week, and today is our independence day. I does make you think that will you die for your country or run instead. Well I leave that for everybody to decide. I myself have my doubts but and hope I keep remembering that having independence is only part of our freedom. It is how we portray our country how we preserve its peace, work towards having children that will continue this practice and develop our country to a first world country. Having to think and bring our country to become an example to the rest of the world and be able to compete but think on the effects of the environment will sure be the best birthday gift the country would ever ask for. Happy Birthday my country fellows and hope the fasting month brings more then you can wish for.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Impromtu tag questions

This is the lil piggy Ching sudah mentag me so I need to answer the questions. Bear in mind that I just had 10ml of cough syrup and all colourful tablets that the doc gave me due to this stupid sickness. So answers might be a lil off perhaps. So here are the rules:

People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves..

Tag 8 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by continue this game by sending it to other people.

1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
Just discuss about it with close friends first, go confront him and ask his perspective, then do own paparazzi

2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
Have a perfect body package: nice height and weight, can see without glasses and face pimple free.

3. What makes you unmotivated?
Late people, people who don't keep their promise and

4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
Open a fund to help the poor learn music

5. Will you fall in love with your best friend?
Perhaps, If he is worth it.

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
Its a barter trade, you need to love someone in order for the other to love you back

7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
Before I'm 26. I might get worried before 30.

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
Just pray. Let fate takes its course which is best for all

9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy?
Good food, with old friends in a great environment with good music and a sufficient amount of time

10. What takes you down the fastest?
My piano teacher saying that I'm not showing any progress when I try very, very hard

11. How would you see yourself in ten years time?
Having a PhD, have at least one child, not unemployed.

13. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
Ching: Very supportive, lively, helps out when needed, cares about others a lot, a good listener and the list goes on...........

14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor

15. What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
Grumble to myself, cursing the morning, hit my pillow and sleep for a few more minutes.

16. Would you give all in a relationship?
it depends, early stage, carrier might come first. Once established, relationship must be in a high priority rank

17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
The person who says he loves me more.

18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
I might forgive but not forget because the experience makes you more aware of the capabilities of other human beings.

19. Would you suffer now and enjoy later or the opposite?
Suffer now since I have the strength, I might not be as mentally and physically strong later, who knows.

20. List 8 people to tag
Evelyn, u jean, Natasha, Michelle, Zahirah, Teng Shin, Chin Eng, Nadia (I don't know any other people tagable at the moment. Just take time to do it ok?)

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Pomp and Circumstance March of the Graduating Music Students

The day had come for my friends to be officially out of usm (for those who are not doing masters of course) and I did plan to crash the hall again since we have been in the hall for two times before so I thought that the authorities wouldn't mind....hehe. I hope. So dressed properly I went in the hall supposed to camouflage with the rest of the performers but tak jadi. Anyhow this session is for the Pharmacy, Social Sciences, Fine Arts and Music.

When I came in the seats were filling in. The last row just two lines after the performers stage is the music students. They just occupied that row. How nice, anyway. As the seats started to fill, the announcer started to explain the procedures of the ceremony. For the three years in a row my observation was when the guy starts speaking in mandarin, it excites all the audience. Minus us perhaps. Anyway, the alert signal was sounded and the jazz band starts to play the grand march.

Ceremony went well. Boring as usual, but a good way to hear the jazz band play for free, and a good chance for students to do their work in between. Last time when we had Mr. Razif class, we did his work and he could mark it right a way. Convenient huh? Well that was the old days. Now its our future graduates turn.

In the end our music students received a roaring cheer from the jazz band and walk down the stage. After that we all went to school and picture taking time. Plus I had to run back to get Becky's cow that she left with me.

To all my course mates, hope that you guys be successful in the future. I'll miss all the good things that we've done together and go on into the world and make an impact on society. Hope that you will learn to adept to the new environment and get rich soon so that you could throw a party for me on my graduation....hehe. This is for you guys.

To Suhan, you might not grow any taller but in performance you have the tendency to leap further to improve yourself. Your small fingers shows that size does not matter and we'll adapt to all circumstance that might come our way. You are very certain and assertive, the powerful quality of Miss Suhan. You go get em' gal!

Jie Ru, Jie Jie, you are so expressive and everybody likes to hear when you tell a story because its sooo convincing. This great trait of you might pay off one day when you go for an interview so that all the people interviewing will be convinced that you got what it takes to be successful. I'll see you around and to learn from your experience.

Amy, da jie, since I don't have a sister to ask for advice, you are my big sister that is concern of my Chinese language and tutor me from time to time. You show that failure is not an excuse to go further, opportunities come and its your call to grab it or leave it. I hope you find peace and laughter in your future life.
To my fashion guru Yuen Mun, you are good in improvising on what you have and do not complain much out in the open. I shall be looking forward to see you improve your "softer skills". More Mozart-ish, less Beethoven-ish. I hope to learn from each other since I lack Beethoven-ish playing. Together we'll see who will make it to the top first. Chayo beauty queen!

To Yan Xuan, you are unique and rocks on the drums. Sexy and mysterious. Hehe. Thanks for all your help in times of need. Miss you so much.
To the Dude Pin Xuan jazzin' in da house, you are the star of all that jazz. Hope you make a good teacher and try new genres too. I hope you'll perform again so I can go see you play again. Free tickets ok for me. I also hope you'll write music and be famous one day. Keep in touch!

Sweet "Spring moon" Choon Yet, the thinnest of our batch. You prove that you are more than just a pretty face. You rock in theory when others have a hard time. Make sure you stay "healthy" like me...hehe, a bit too "healthy". I wish that you make a good teacher and make the best of it.

To Huey Lin the weight looser, will be bumping into you for quite sometime since you are still here doing masters (and because I didn't take my Tupperware yet) you are so bright then all of us in terms exams and writing. Need to learn your study tips and to learn how to keep fit too hehe. Hope you get what you want in life.

Amira the clubbing queen, you are outgoing, adventures are your forte, you dare to accept a challenge and very honest to me. I do appreciate that your help when times get tough. I sure hope that you make the most of your masters now. Gambate!

Ee Kim, my second sister, since you make the most of my terrible Chinese and never laugh when I make mistakes I then have more courage to speak. I respect you for this and your independence shows that you are most likely to succeed no matter what comes your way.

Cwee Yin, my dear. The quiet one in the group, I do hope you make it in the world and show us that you can be successful. *Woot*

Sharil, the senior. Since you are teaching a bunch of jumpin' beans of kids now you'd better learn to control all of your students or else they will be all over you. Hehe. Imagine that!! Always keep in touch ok? So dude, you left the pop star yang entah kemana now. Which still owe me 20 bucks for keyboard class book.

My dear roomie Rebecca the rabbit jumpin' here and there scouting for the best in herself I wish you luck. Thanks for letting me move in so that I could use the clavinova that has taken all the space in between our beds. You taught me that getting good sleep is essential for good health and beauty. So more the better. Hehehe.

To the saint in the class Jo, you show that silence is golden. You work hard and all that work pays off in your exams. I'll miss you but we'll keep in touch since I might need some help to get things in Singapore perhaps. We'll see. Well, since you are working there I sure think that you'll get richer than the rest here at the mean time. Hehe, don't forget to belanja me next time...hehe. Just Kidding.

Lastly, Annie from Ipoh, although I'll be seeing you a lot. I hope that in your masters study you find what good things that you take for granted during your undergraduate days. That way you'll appreciate more on what you have. Good luck in your studies.

To all of my acting friends, although you all might not be actors on stage, you sure made a change on how I look on theater people now. For how much annoying people say that music is easy, theater people might feel the same way. Arts is definitely abstract and like a director said that, there is no right or wrong there is only good or bad that is which too is in the eyes and ears of the audience. So, I believe that you guys are really amazing people that i met and truly grateful that we have been together for the past three years.

Ini budak yang masuk muzik keluar jadi pelakon
Kak Ayu, talking to fiance?
Michelle and Me,

Prisca with the suave Dr. Hardy,
Kak Mil and Sofia, see, you graduate and thinking of doing masters. Last time sofia was telling me that she wanted to quit when she found out that she got into acting.

who is going to get married soon, this guy is the person to call to. The dude is a wedding planner.

Vern Jin, great to hear that you got a job teaching performing arts in school. Hope you'll be successful.

To the rest of my BA and BFA friends from various backgrounds, I hope for the best and that you do well in what you do. I sooo will miss you guys

First year roommate, Zhaf and Mr Goh

My translator and designer As, already working as a designer for a company. So proud of you.

So to all I wish the best while I crap my way out of here till the end of the year. May all good things come around and See you guys soon!

I sooo love this picture, look at yuen mun's and jo's face... like freaking out. hehehe...

To all I apologize that I have been away for so long, due to this bad cough and flu, been hanging on to the bottle feeling that I might just drink the whole bottle to kill the cough. Its making my sleep not continuous and to add to the the misery is my monthly thingy so I might build a tent in my room since both of us are in different sick stages. Need to be quarantined. Still more to come. *Cough3*

Monday, August 11, 2008

Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum visits the Clinique

Well its not just Dr Gradus who went to the Clinique talk, a bunch of music students were at dk u at 11am on the 28 July for the workshop. I kinda thought it started at 12 till Annie started to text me telling me that I got the wrong time and requested me to come down immediately to dk u. My dearie roommate too had to rush from the exam hall to take the previous semester results. Poor girl.

Well, since I made my way to Dk 2 through the library, I missed the registration at the counter at the upper floor. Luckily I didn't miss much and the talk started by a guy named Alex. Jie Ru and Valerie was there already and not long after that Angeline too came. The other masters students came shortly after class.

We first got acquainted the basic three step Clinique skincare line. This is the plan for me. Go to the talk, ask whats wrong with my skin, then go for a trial then if it gets any worse, go see a dermatologist. I thought the first part was interesting because they explain the proper way to use the products. These are some of the things that I found out:

  1. Clinique liquid soap doesn't have bubbles. No wonder I used yaya's wash was quite different. I'm used to the bar, although I didn't actually like the concept because you need to let it dry properly before you could keep it in its casing.

  2. Always wipe in an upward direction. The pores kinda have a flap downward and that wiping upward would maximize pore cleaning. I always just wipe in any direction, didn't know there was a direction.

  3. The third one is you must heat up any liquid before applying on your skin by rubbing an amount to your fingers. This is to prevent too much concentration on one spot before rubbing on the entire face. This is a bit debate able. Because some does request you to apply on the cheeks, nose, chin, and forehead before rubbing entirely. But the guy has a point though. Liquids include, moisturizer, foundation, sunblocks and all creams.

Next is the make up. Not really a priority for me since my huge problem is clearing my problem face, however here are some interesting facts that I didn't thought about of:

  1. Eyeliner has always been a problem for me. The best was is to stretch the top part of your eyelids and put it on. It then makes a straight and quick line in no time.

  2. Never make goldfish lips to wear blush. its best to smile.

After a nice quick tour of the whole skin care line, time for some free stuff. We all got the rm100 makeover voucher to use whenever (before 31 august though), depending on your skin preference, get sunscreen or moisture surge cream and the 3 step tester. Val on the other hand went to volunteer to go for the make-up demonstration got a lot of other stuff. (soooo envy her).

At the end of the talk, I got a chance to talk to Alex. He mentioned about whether I have change of diet, environment, or anything. Like a month or so I did get a chance to go to Clinique @ Pavilion and it is a must that we check every six months if you are using the product so that they could recommend different products or just to check whether your skin has upgraded or down graded. Honestly, I also feel that me and my mum have not been able to make time for any consultation and get the best opinion as mummy and yaya.

But anyway, its done annually so if you are interested wait for next year and probably can get more great free stuff. I am now under anti-blemish solutions skin care line. See whether it works or dad starts making appointments with the real Dr. Gradus the dermatologist, hopefully it leads to heaven.