After a series of goofiness the night before, was the time to get serious and down to business. On Sunday, after I finished performing at Dewan Sri Pinang for the Tuan Yang Terutama of Penang, I went straight at Tekun to help the others make posters and pin-ups for our booth. I heard that Ruby had asked for 10 soft boards but we got in the end only three. Three, my lucky number three. Haven’t you heard? It took three attempts for me to pass my driving test and three times all together to pass my ABRSM grade eight theory test. Phew! So I fell in love with the number three. I hope I don’t have to be in a relationship with three guys before finding the right one or become wife number three. Yikes! Back to the RD. The moment I reached Tekun, a lot of people were already busy painting, cutting, pasting; Ruby was doing a lot of printing and doing a lot of art work. It’s been a long time since I exercised my art. Well, it’s not too late to start.
The minute I put down my umbrella, Nadia already gave some alphabets to paint them blue. Blue, blue, my heart is blue and so are the letters. Then the cutting begins, the other letters are then been cut along the edges and they looked like those KFC nuggets they had last time. I do miss the old days, the time where there was school, gamelan class, choir class and French. No tuition. Dad strictly told me that I shall not have tuition until necessary like during form five I had a biology teacher who taught me at home to me and only me. Well the others at first joined, and then left.
The day ended with all the cutting and painting and deciding what suits best in our fliers. There, I saw a poster about a program organized by Clinique and that they will be giving out RM worth of stuff. I must not miss that opportunity. Well, I did register for it on Monday. So I have a place for the talk, anyway it is just going to one hour. I have no idea what they want to talk. I just want the free stuff. So greedy of me, but to the other me, it was opportunity.
The next day as well, after the TYT, I came to help out. I guess they finished late last night that they decided to start at tekun by noon. We finished by 12.15 at Dewan Sri Pinang so I wasn’t that late there. I came to help Susy with the stick figures. I was really cute when I was finished. I wonder whose idea was it. I helped sticking and writing down on the figures. Dear teachers, who had a chance to teach me before knew that I have terrible hand writing in the class but I have eventually improved myself although it It’s not as nice as the others, but sufficient enough to comfortably read what I have to say. I managed to write at the posters though.
After a series of goofiness the night before, was the time to get serious and down to business. On Sunday, after I finished performing at Dewan Sri Pinang for the Tuan Yang Terutama of Penang, I went straight at Tekun to help the others make posters and pin-ups for our booth. I heard that Ruby had asked for 10 soft boards but we got in the end only three. Three, my lucky number three. Haven’t you heard? It took three attempts for me to pass my driving test and three times all together to pass my ABRSM grade eight theory test. Phew! So I fell in love with the number three. I hope I don’t have to be in a relationship with three guys before finding the right one or become wife number three. Yikes! Back to the RD. The moment I reached Tekun, a lot of people were already busy painting, cutting, pasting; Ruby was doing a lot of printing and doing a lot of art work. It’s been a long time since I exercised my art. Well, it’s not too late to start.
The minute I put down my umbrella, Nadia already gave some alphabets to paint them blue. Blue, blue, my heart is blue and so are the letters. Then the cutting begins, the other letters are then been cut along the edges and they looked like those KFC nuggets they had last time. I do miss the old days, the time where there was school, gamelan class, choir class and French. No tuition. Dad strictly told me that I shall not have tuition until necessary like during form five I had a biology teacher who taught me at home to me and only me. Well the others at first joined, and then left.
The day ended with all the cutting and painting and deciding what suits best in our fliers. There, I saw a poster about a program organized by Clinique and that they will be giving out RM worth of stuff. I must not miss that opportunity. Well, I did register for it on Monday. So I have a place for the talk, anyway it is just going to one hour. I have no idea what they want to talk. I just want the free stuff. So greedy of me, but to the other me, it was opportunity.
The next day as well, after the TYT, I came to help out. I guess they finished late last night that they decided to start at tekun by noon. We finished by 12.15 at Dewan Sri Pinang so I wasn’t that late there. I came to help Susy with the stick figures. I was really cute when I was finished. I wonder whose idea was it. I helped sticking and writing down on the figures. Dear teachers, who had a chance to teach me before knew that I have terrible hand writing in the class but I have eventually improved myself although it It’s not as nice as the others, but sufficient enough to comfortably read what I have to say. I managed to write at the posters though.
Susy pasting
Susy posing
Pinning up, and laughing....seriously, If u seen the pictures in the red capes, would guarantee a big laugh.
Ruby asked about our opinion on covering the boards with a red cloth to attract more attention. It does make a difference. I can’t remember what happened in between but eventually both Serena and Ruby started to turn into superwoman and things become really hilarious with Susy in between and Serena turning into not-so-little Red Riding Hood. Yay! Superwoman Ruby has saved Serena little red riding hood from the hungry big bad wolf Susy. I don’t think I’m allowed to post it in because all three of them might come over and huff and puff and blow my innocent hostel room door if I did, so just my pictures ok?
Stick figures in progress.....almost done.
TYT in between RD- The Development
We had to perform for the TYT on Saturday and Sunday from eight till 12pm on both days. Previously, En. Juffrey told us that he needed four players so I gathered Huey Lin, Amira, and Ee Kim to join me. I didn’t have a clue on the occasion. Stupid of me for not asking but he too didn’t told us anything. During the briefing, Zhe Rong said “Tomorrow is the TYT’s birthday.” So it clicked that most probably that what we’ll be performing is for the TYT. I did mention on what pieces to play, he just say it is sufficient enough just have some sound. What he meant was to play our standard gamelan repertoire that I can remember by heart but the other girls didn’t. I have been playing gamelan since I was in form four. Of course I can remember the standard pieces. The order is to wear all black so I did tell them so, however, Ee Kim failed to receive the message and she had a little white. I did send her last time to the TYT when I went for a research trip to Kelantan, so I just imagined that everything will be ok.
I was at the waiting place at seven am. So early, my dad was nagging that TYT doesn’t come till ten. What the hell are you there so early for. I just kept to myself. I have no idea on the procedure so since you said seven, I’ll be there. Well I reached at 7.20am like that at Dewan Budaya. Amira and Ee kim was there. It was 8 plus when En. Juffrey arrived to pick us up and we headed there. Huey Lin arrived earlier at Dewan Sri Pinang from her boyfriend’s house. En Juffrey dropped us at the parking lot and went searching for a parking space and asked us to go find the royal box where we’ll be playing.
So we went up there and find the performers entrance. As we were heading in, the protocol people said the three of them can’t go in because, Ee Kim had a white top, Amira’s black shirt was short sleeved and Huey Lin wore a black t-shirt, short sleeve. What possibly go wrong this time? Haiz, I was disappointed for lack of information. The time I went to some Bukit Mertajam thingy also said wear red. So I wore a red t-shirt and black pants. What they meant is red baju kurung for sum religious function. That time I was saved by the other Budaya person who asked for a jacket for me. Ee Kim said last time all of the performers were given a black jacket so whether short sleeved or t-shirt, they will be saved. So luckily I brought my jacket just incase I got cold in there. So to make things worse, Huey Lin needed to send Ee Kim home and only me and Amira were left in the hall. It was so disappointing.
So we had one saron player, which was amira, I played gambang, Che Mat on the boning and En. Juffrey on the gendang and gong. Texture, thin. Sounds horrible for a TYT function. I know for a fact that in Kedah, we have the royal nobat players which are committed to the sultan since they became a licensed player. You can’t simply choose to learn nobat. It is only for the male Kalau people and when someone dies, the son or relative of the kalau people must learn in a period of three months if not mistaken and be an official player. So they are really professional players.
Put the sad part aside and the best part is most of the cool orders or awards are given on the first day. The system goes by the announcer says the orders then there will be two who have received the order accompanying the soon to be person with the order. The first person that captured my attention was Datin Seri Wan Azizah the opposition leader in politics. I don’t really know what’s going in the politics scene but the name is really familiar. Next familiar name was Professor Dr. Ghulam Sarwar. The name rings in Prof. Tan’s class a lot. He’s a retired lecturer from USM and is working on contract with UM. Dr. Razak gave me a book that he wrote. I didn’t have time to read it yet though. The last familiar name was Nicole David. Nicole David? She’s so young and a Dato’ already. Imagine, Ghulam Sarwar, 63 Nicole David, 25. Huge age difference. Well, achievements do not consider age right? I got a chance to take a picture with Serena’s twin. Hehe. We had to take a picture sitting down because a lot of people wanted to take pictures with her and her heels were killing her. Poor Nicole, thanks for not leaving me out despite of your shoes. I guess you’re more comfortable in running shoes like me. I wear baju kurung with my Nike running shoes. My mom hates me for it but I feel wearing some shoes that I’m walking backwards, Weird right? Anyway, not much after that. Oh, I met my former neighbor who also got some award. Can’t remember which one.
We had to perform for the TYT on Saturday and Sunday from eight till 12pm on both days. Previously, En. Juffrey told us that he needed four players so I gathered Huey Lin, Amira, and Ee Kim to join me. I didn’t have a clue on the occasion. Stupid of me for not asking but he too didn’t told us anything. During the briefing, Zhe Rong said “Tomorrow is the TYT’s birthday.” So it clicked that most probably that what we’ll be performing is for the TYT. I did mention on what pieces to play, he just say it is sufficient enough just have some sound. What he meant was to play our standard gamelan repertoire that I can remember by heart but the other girls didn’t. I have been playing gamelan since I was in form four. Of course I can remember the standard pieces. The order is to wear all black so I did tell them so, however, Ee Kim failed to receive the message and she had a little white. I did send her last time to the TYT when I went for a research trip to Kelantan, so I just imagined that everything will be ok.
I was at the waiting place at seven am. So early, my dad was nagging that TYT doesn’t come till ten. What the hell are you there so early for. I just kept to myself. I have no idea on the procedure so since you said seven, I’ll be there. Well I reached at 7.20am like that at Dewan Budaya. Amira and Ee kim was there. It was 8 plus when En. Juffrey arrived to pick us up and we headed there. Huey Lin arrived earlier at Dewan Sri Pinang from her boyfriend’s house. En Juffrey dropped us at the parking lot and went searching for a parking space and asked us to go find the royal box where we’ll be playing.
So we went up there and find the performers entrance. As we were heading in, the protocol people said the three of them can’t go in because, Ee Kim had a white top, Amira’s black shirt was short sleeved and Huey Lin wore a black t-shirt, short sleeve. What possibly go wrong this time? Haiz, I was disappointed for lack of information. The time I went to some Bukit Mertajam thingy also said wear red. So I wore a red t-shirt and black pants. What they meant is red baju kurung for sum religious function. That time I was saved by the other Budaya person who asked for a jacket for me. Ee Kim said last time all of the performers were given a black jacket so whether short sleeved or t-shirt, they will be saved. So luckily I brought my jacket just incase I got cold in there. So to make things worse, Huey Lin needed to send Ee Kim home and only me and Amira were left in the hall. It was so disappointing.
So we had one saron player, which was amira, I played gambang, Che Mat on the boning and En. Juffrey on the gendang and gong. Texture, thin. Sounds horrible for a TYT function. I know for a fact that in Kedah, we have the royal nobat players which are committed to the sultan since they became a licensed player. You can’t simply choose to learn nobat. It is only for the male Kalau people and when someone dies, the son or relative of the kalau people must learn in a period of three months if not mistaken and be an official player. So they are really professional players.
Put the sad part aside and the best part is most of the cool orders or awards are given on the first day. The system goes by the announcer says the orders then there will be two who have received the order accompanying the soon to be person with the order. The first person that captured my attention was Datin Seri Wan Azizah the opposition leader in politics. I don’t really know what’s going in the politics scene but the name is really familiar. Next familiar name was Professor Dr. Ghulam Sarwar. The name rings in Prof. Tan’s class a lot. He’s a retired lecturer from USM and is working on contract with UM. Dr. Razak gave me a book that he wrote. I didn’t have time to read it yet though. The last familiar name was Nicole David. Nicole David? She’s so young and a Dato’ already. Imagine, Ghulam Sarwar, 63 Nicole David, 25. Huge age difference. Well, achievements do not consider age right? I got a chance to take a picture with Serena’s twin. Hehe. We had to take a picture sitting down because a lot of people wanted to take pictures with her and her heels were killing her. Poor Nicole, thanks for not leaving me out despite of your shoes. I guess you’re more comfortable in running shoes like me. I wear baju kurung with my Nike running shoes. My mom hates me for it but I feel wearing some shoes that I’m walking backwards, Weird right? Anyway, not much after that. Oh, I met my former neighbor who also got some award. Can’t remember which one.
Notice someone familiar? Somewhere in the middle?.....In Turquoise
The next day all of us wore proper attire. So the next day we had better sound coming out. Thankfully. We in the end did some camwhoring after the program ended. After the session I went straight to help all of them to prepare for the RD the next day.
Ee Kim on the slentem, behind her Amira still waiting.
One week of RD- The Recapulation
Monday was busy, a lot of people sign up for our malam mesra and they had a lot of enquires, which was really good. Most people were interested to go on exchange rather then self-development. I was once like them, even worse. Not many people know the reason why I joined AIESEC at the first place. I didn’t come for malam mesra although I was there. Confused? Save that for another rainy day and back to the RD. Tuesday was as busy as Monday. I was again fasting and that day was the first day for the Kisah Pulau Pinang rehearsal with the USM students. We only get to see the rest of the anak-anak kota till Friday and the ombak-ombak dancers on Saturday. So it was a big production on the 26th july it ended close to seven pm and I have to attend class at eight pm. So I was a rush to keep everything on schedule. It was a good thing that there were many to help at the booth so that if I had any problems I could refer to the others.
Wednesday was my birthday, and the rabbit almost forgot about it. Becky, that’s why you should not watch too much drama and sleep, therefore the tortoise always wins. Haha. I kinda woke up late and I was on my way to buy water at the machine and that’s when I saw Serena at the car. I thought she was going to ask me why I wasn’t at the booth and it was about 9.15 already. Then I found out that she also woke up at nine and was late for class. So I got a ride to the lecture halls. There because I was the only person for the slot I needed to open the booth alone. Pushed the boards to their places, hang the banner, lay the posters on the table and make sure the name list is on the table. Serena gave the speakers but there was no laptop yet so no noise can be generated mechanically. So should I sing to myself? It is my birthday after all. I decided not to make a fool of myself and just stood there alone. Susy came by but it was her day off and Nadia brought her to Georgetown. Nice. I’m stuck here. Well someone saved us with a lappy can’t remember who. Well, that was that. Vance was busy memorizing a script for the wanders concert. I have the ticket to go there but I doubt I can go now since they might have a rehearsal on Thursday night. We’ll see how things go. I stayed almost the whole day then I decided to cancel Thursday’s slots since the ones I’m in have more than two at one time. So around 5.30pm I went jogging and since my parents are around for the night we decided to have dinner. They will be leaving for Subang Jaya by Firefly the next day at 7am so they said they want to send me back the same night.
Somewhere when I was packing to go back to the hostel, I got a message from Serena. I thought she wanted the jacket that I borrowed for the TYT. When I got back, my roommate was sleeping. Well, preparing to sleep. Not fully asleep. Then, the three musketeers saved what so far a subtle birthday. I really wished the Ching-a-ling the little miss piggy was here too but she still has work to do. They brought a cute cake for me. So I got a few friends to celebrate and sing for me. They had to sing in pianissimo because roommate was sleeping. How nice. Nadia thought she couldn’t finish her portion but ended up finishing anyway because the cream was so nice. Ruby was one with the spoon that enabling her to scoop a big scoop at a time. That’s the purpose of my mum bought the serving spoon for me to use as a dinner spoon. So I eat my cereal faster and would not be late for my class. Thanks Mum. Well after all that, they retired at Serena’s room and Nadia’s room beside the water machine.
I called Jie Ru to slap her on the phone and to wish her happy birthday. So then we all chit-chat and gossiped before she turn into another piano teacher. After this I will remain solo. The only music student who’s not a music teacher. The rest are teaching. The next day was the lovely rainy day that I couldn’t wake up but then I did go to class and to practice. Which reminds me about next week. I’ll have tutorials. Friday I stayed at the booth the whole day. I was alone at sometimes that some parts there were too many people to respond to and no help. I was trying not to freak out, not to say something wrong because I needed to respond to about three parties. I managed. Phew! Luckily. There were times when there was Susy, Serena and me and time like stood still. We turned the booth into an online club after that, and it was time to pack up. Finally, we’re done. We sent Susy back to her hostel and then to the Chancellery to book the venue for malam mesra, global village and I.N.S.P.I.R.E conference. Then, after hanging out for a while, it was time to meet the Anak-anak Kota. Exited.
By the way, the purpose of this blog is to share the interesting events that I’ve been or performed and a little about me. I love performing and sharing the experiences. I just hope by time I’ll learn to manage my fears and others learn from my experiences. This is the end of the RD however I might write the Coda, the Malam mesra itself and the Global Village. The next posting will be most likely about the Anak-anak kota rehearsals and some of the other interesting events.
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